Manage Vital Information with Online Class Registration Software & Continuing Education Software
ClassManager is a full-function class management, billing, marketing, and course registration software application designed to be used by small, medium and large schools. It can be used on a single Windows or Mac computer or with a server as a true Internet enabled multi-user client/server application.
- Public or Private Cloud
- Account Management
- Student Management
- Classes
- Programs
- Payments
- Report Editor
- Structure Editor
- Data Dedupper
- Security & User Access
- Fee Rule Editor
- Set Manager
- Export Import Editor
- Search Editor
- Recycle Bin Editor
- Invoices
- Invoice Customization
The many features of this online class registration software allow for optimal organization and facilitation of any and all pertinent information. ClassManager produces reports on individual attendance as well as on new registrations generated by advertising, referrals, Web lookups, public relations, telemarketing, direct mail and more.
ClassManager also maintains complete records of all classes held, special events, product sales, billings, payments, annual registration fees, accounts receivables, and other records.
This online registration software system also produces labels for enrollment campaigns, individualized letters, and certificates with its built-in word processor. It can also be used as a student registration software application for activities and it produces customized reports of mailings, wait lists, open houses, and other sales programs.
Transferring information can be done easily with just a click of a button. ClassManager course registration software comes with a sophisticated import/export editor that allows for automatic importing of third party information. Once imported, this data can be managed so as to dramatically improve the performance of any enrollment drive. No other software application on the Mac or Windows gives you such instant access to vital management information. ClassManager continuing education software can also be easily adapted to work with other applications such as general ledger accounting programs.

Customization services are also available to further tailor ClassManager to the unique requirements of any learning institution. A working demo with manual is available on our download page to demonstrate ClassManager’s ease of use and capabilities to help run your school.
- The easiest way to manage a class based business on Windows and Mac computers
- Fast, simple point-and-click operation
- Exports financial data to Intuit QuickBooks and other general ledger accounting systems
- Built-in credit card authorization system
- Can be configured for On-line Registration by customers
- Full Windows and Mac OS compatibility
- Works with third party supplied mailing lists
- Calculates and repetitively bills yearly registration fees on an individual date or school wide anniversary basis
- Can automatically determine and bill enrollment and discounts based on number of students enrolled or classes taken
- Maintains consolidated multiyear database of active, inactive and prospective students
- Provides for the ability to offer early payment discounts as well as charge late payment fees
- Prepares bills based on either session, monthly or hourly sensitive billing cycle
- Prints income reports by individual classes, class type, instructor, teams, special events, birthday parties, pro shop, product type sold, etc.
- Allows for easy one button transferring of students from one class to another
- Automatically adjusts class rosters and financial information
- Performs one button automatic prorating based on total classes divided by classes remaining in term
- Makes use of advanced virtual structure that allows end users to change every field, label and choice lists throughout the system
- Displays and prints all classes, instructors and rooms on an interactive scheduling system that allows for drag-and-drop scheduling changes with conflict checking
- Displays and prints all classes, teams, birthday parties, special events, etc. on automatically formatted 30-day calendars
- Automatically tracks and displays waitlisted students when openings occur and notifies staff of contiguous missed classes for student retention purposes
- Produces graphical charts that shows class and program profitability, cost/benefit analysis, breakeven analysis, student retention, aged accounts, instructor efficiency, demographics, etc.
- Continuing Education Programs
- Class Registration
- Class Scheduling
- Learning Management
- School Management
- Seminar Management
- School Registration
- Gymnastics Programs
- Event Scheduling
- Online Registration
- Class Management
- Swim School Management
- Seminar Scheduling
- Continuing Legal Education
- On-line Event Registration
- Vocational School Management
- Continuing Medical Education
- Dance School Management
- Computer School Management
- Continuing Education Registration
- Training Management